What Do You Want to Do When You Grow Up? (CD Set)

This very powerful course is the second in the advanced course series that you should plan on taking.
Prerequisite: Release Technique graduates only.
This very powerful course is the second in the advanced course series that you should plan on taking.
In this Course we deal with two big topics. You learn how to get clarity on your life’s direction – you let go of the doubts and confusions about your path. You also learn to identify and let go of the fears and frustrations we all share about the body, notably the fear of dying – because that fear is also just another feeling you can now easily let go.
This very powerful course is the second in the advanced course series that you should be planning on taking.
Lester Levenson reminded us “You are not the body!”, yet said we are unwilling to let go of that belief so that we can grow. The course takes you through the fears we all share about the body, notably the fear of death and dying, and gives you clarity on what you really are.
Another aspect of Going Free is knowing your Self. The exercises and concepts presented here allow you to develop greater clarity about where you are going in life versus where you could be going. It shows you how to change direction if you so choose with very direct and simple Releasing exercises you probably would not have thought of yourself.
This six-week advanced home study course is on 16 CD’s – 8 new Studio-recorded CDs loaded with releases and exercises guided by Larry Crane – and 8 Bonus CDs of a live teleclass on this topic. The Course comes complete with its own workbook. And – upon request – get a telephone releasing partner, too!

This product is also available as an Online Home Study Course! Save on shipping and enjoy your purchase today!