Release Technique (Abundance Course) – Bundle

The Release Technique Course includes “How To Do It” audios, and comes complete with a power-packed 123-page workbook, and 7 FREE Bonuses!
As an Added Bonus you get access to a Free weekly Live Tele-Conference. Plus you can also have private consultations for a year. This is a total value of over $3,000 at no extra cost!
Learn the world-famous Release Technique streamed from your computer!
What’s Included:
The entire Release Technique Digital Online Audio Set (22 Sessions in all) – Larry Crane personally guides you through the entire process of using the Release Technique; housed in an attractive vinyl album.
123-page Workbook in PDF format – This is a HANDS ON course that provides you with a powerful but easy to use workbook so you actually interact with course as if you were in a live class!
Ongoing And Unlimited FREE Telephone Coaching Support – Any time you have a question or problem using the Release Technique – All you have to do is call into Release Technique, toll free, and speak with one the Release Support Team members who are available to mentor you one-on-one in using the Release Technique to achieve your goals. Take advice from someone who already knows how to make millions with Releasing. Who else invites you to call them up personally, any time you’ve got a problem?
Weekly, Live Teleconferences – You get free access to weekly, live teleconferences to help you increase your financial abundance through the Release Technique.
FREE Bonus #1: (Valued at $25.00)
You’ll receive the rare audio recording of “In My Own Words” in which you receive personal tips from Lester himself, on how to achieve that natural state he called “Happiness With No Sorrow”.
FREE Bonus #2: (Valued at $25.00)
As a second bonus you will receive another rare Lester audio, titled: “Will Power” – (it’s not what you think) – in which Lester talks about the role that will power plays in helping to free oneself from self-imposed limitations.
FREE Bonus #3: (Valued at $25.00)
And, a third free bonus audio covers “How To Eliminate Resistance to Having Success” (called the “General Clean-up” CD) which I will walk you through very powerful exercises to bring you up into a place of quiet, powerful, beingness. A place where you will experience a rich taste of the state of limitlessness that Lester enjoyed everyday.
FREE Bonus #4: (Valued at $25.00)
My brand new CD, “How To Be In Release” will teach you how to remain in releasing mode 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no matter what you’re doing. This CD will show you how to blow the suppression hinges off your resistance and allow many years of suppressed negativity to come up and out with ease.
FREE Bonus #5: (Valued At $25.00)
The fifth bonus is “Health.” I will show you how to use Lester’s famous ‘Butt System’ so you can have unlimited abundance in all areas of your life without lifting a finger.
FREE Bonus #6: (Valued At $25.00)
The sixth bonus is on “Anger Management.” It shows you how to eliminate anger and frustration.
FREE Bonus #7: (Valued At $25.00)
The seventh bonus is “How to have Unlimited Health & Wellness”
Just those seven FREE bonuses alone have a value of $175.00 but you can get them today for… FREE!
But, that’s not all… you also get
The “Happiness, What is it?” movie (Valued At $35.00).
In addition, you get 10 streaming coaching and tip videos by Release Technique Coaches, (Valued At $250.00).
That’s another $285.00 savings!
The total value of this program is $4,260.00 and it yours for just $297!. And It All Comes With A Full 30-Day No-Risk, 100% Money-Back Guarantee.